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King Nadhivarman College Of Arts And Science

Department of Commerce


The Department of Commerce has been functioning since the inception of the college. In 1994 B.Com., Degree was offered and from the academic year 1999-2000, the department offers M.Com., Degree also

In the year 2012-2013 M.Phil., Research Degree was introduced in the department. The department strives to provide theoretical – knowledge in Commerce and also practical knowledge in various accounting subjects in order to make the students to complete in job market and enable them to become entrepreneurs. The department leads research in recent issues through research course.

The department is offering (Ph.D.,) Doctoral degree from the academic year 2015-2016.The department conducts seminars and workshops periodically to improve knowledge of the students and research scholars. The department has own library apart from general library of the college.

Courses Offered

1. B.com
2. M.com
3. M.Phil., Commerce
4. Ph.D., Commerce

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